It’s easy for a mom to feel overwhelmed when she has a baby, especially when she doesn’t have the resources she needs. The cost of diapers, wipes, and other necessary items adds up quickly, and she may feel discouraged about this new chapter.

Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center never wants moms or dads to feel alone. We want them to have the support they deserve, which is why we provide material assistance for expectant and new parents.

Your support can make a big difference in the lives of these moms and dads. And it offers the confidence they need to move forward.

Why Do Donations Matter?

A great deal of fear and shame can be associated with asking for help. A new mom or dad may worry that someone will judge them for having material needs. And the fear that they aren’t “enough” for their baby can be crippling.

Asking for help is one of the signs of a great parent. And for our clients, having someone meet these needs means everything. Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center is proud to support our moms and dads by giving them what they need to parent successfully.

We rely on donations to keep this service moving forward. Even packs of diapers and wipes provide hope and empowerment to parents.

We’re always in need of material donations such as:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Baby clothing
  • Maternity clothing
  • Blankets
  • Swaddles

We do not take cribs, car seats, or used toys. But we’re open to donations of new items for parents and babies.

You can also donate via our Amazon Wishlist, where you’ll find an updated list of needed items.

Please contact us if you have any questions about material items.

Thank you for being there for our parents! And we always welcome financial gifts to assist with our other pregnancy services.

Visit our Financial Giving page to learn more about how your gifts help Choices Clinic’s mission. We appreciate your generosity.