Do you have ample pro-life experience and would like to volunteer with us? Or perhaps you’ve always had a heart for saving unborn lives but aren’t sure where to begin.

You don’t need experience to make a difference in the lives of women with unplanned pregnancies. All you need is compassion and the desire to share Christ’s love.

Choices could not serve the young families in need in our community without your love and support and we value every minute given by our volunteers to help our clients!

You can use the gifts and talents God has blessed you with and together, we can make a difference in the lives of our moms and dads by equipping them with tangible resources, education, love, and support.

Ways to Volunteer:

1. Prayer Team

Our prayer team is a vital part of our ministry. Team members commit to praying regularly for Choices and its clients.

2. Client Advocate

Meet with our clients for one-on-one care and counseling. Requires completion of our training course.

3. Nurse Volunteers

Meet with our clients for options counseling, pregnancy testing, and STI testing/treatment. Requires completion of our training course.

4. Prenatal And Parenting Teacher

Volunteer to teach a prenatal or parenting class. The curriculum and training will be provided. All you need is a passion to educate and encourage young families.

5. Baby Boutique

Processing donations and keeping our baby boutique stocked and organized.

6. Facilities Maintenance

Help with indoor and outdoor repairs.

7. Administrative Volunteer

Assist with general administrative tasks (answering phones, checking in clients, scheduling appointments, helping with newsletter mailouts, etc.)

8. Church Liaison

Work with your pastor and church administration to keep them informed of the events, activities, and services of Choices.

9. Social Media / Marketing

Develop social media content and assist with on-campus marketing events.

10. Join Our Mailing List