As a church, your voice is critical to the success of the pro-life movement. And Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center would be honored to partner with you.

You hold an influential role in your community by providing hope and biblical teachings every week. But there’s much work to be done, and you can reassure women that they aren’t alone when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

How We Can Help

It can seem difficult to speak about life-affirming topics. We know that all human beings, born and unborn, are made in God’s image. But in recent years, many pro-abortion groups have argued that the “church has no place in politics.”

Abortion isn’t solely a political issue. We are called to defend our unborn brothers and sisters and share Christ’s love for all human life.

In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” In addition to the sick and impoverished, we are called to protect another vulnerable group: the unborn. In doing so, we also care for Christ.

Choices Clinic & Life Resource Center is proud to partner with churches and help them share the pro-life mission with their community. We do so in these ways:

  • Educating churches on how to discuss pro-life issues and address hard topics
  • Providing speakers for churches to educate their congregation on Choices Clinic’s mission
  • Advertising our life-affirming services to congregations—unplanned pregnancies can occur regardless of religious backgrounds or personal views
  • Offering tours of our clinic for church groups and ministries
  • Partnering with VBS programs

How You Can Help

There are several ways churches can partner with Choices Clinic:

  • Annual Baby Bottle Campaign: raise money to offer more services to our clients
  • Church Liaisons: work with Choices Clinic to spread awareness within your church community

Together, we can help reaffirm that the church is a place of love and support for families with unplanned pregnancies. Together, we can make a difference.

Reach Out to Learn More

Your voice matters in this fight, and we can help you uphold the culture of life in your own church community.

Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you.